06-03-2013 06:25 PM
06-04-2013 02:18 AM
06-04-2013 05:04 PM
06-04-2013 02:54 AM
06-05-2013 06:08 AM
06-10-2013 07:58 PM
"script type="text/javascript" src="/share/res/components/documentlibrary/tree_dc1145d846bf3d93802aab190eb1ffc.js"></script>"
06-11-2013 03:37 AM
06-11-2013 04:09 PM
"When you reach a folder "leaf" node then you'll need to call a different REST API (the same one used by documentlist.js widget to populate the DocLib) to get the actual files."
06-11-2013 07:30 PM
// Create a new tree
var tree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView(this.id + "-treeview");
var fpanel = Dom.get("alf-filters"),
offset = (fpanel ? parseInt(fpanel.style.width, 10) : 160) + 390;
var columnDefinitions =
// I deleted column entries
// DataTable definition
this.dataSourceUrl = $combine(Alfresco.constants.URL_SERVICECONTEXT, "components/documentlibrary/data/doclist/");
this.widgets.dataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(this.dataSourceUrl,
responseType: YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSON,
resultsList: "items",
paginationRecordOffset: "startIndex",
totalRecords: "totalRecords",
totalRecordsUpper : "totalRecordsUpper" // if null then totalRecords is accurate else totalRecords is lower estimate (if -1 upper estimate is unknown)
this.widgets.dataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable(this.id + "-treeview", columnDefinitions, this.widgets.dataSource,
renderLoopSize: this.options.usePagination ? 16 : Alfresco.util.RENDERLOOPSIZE,
initialLoad: false,
dynamicData: true,
MSG_EMPTY: this.msg("message.loading")
this.widgets.dataTable.doBeforeLoadData = function DL_doBeforeLoadData(sRequest, oResponse, oPayload)
for (var i = 0, ii = oResponse.results.length; i < ii; i++)
oResponse.results.jsNode = new Alfresco.util.Node(oResponse.results.node);
type: "renderEvent"
this.widgets.treeview = tree;
06-20-2013 03:44 AM
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