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Share Without Invite?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am evaluating Alfresco for a team and I wanted them to try and use a share first hand.  I cannot for the life of me get email configured.  Tried with two different SMTP servers and no joy.  I would like to at least have the folks join the share and I can email them manually.  Don't see anyway to do that.  I logged on their accounts and requested membership but saw nothing on the admin side to respond to.  Of course if I try to do the invite from the owner account but that always fails with an auth problem (near as I can tell reading the log). 

Any way to put together a share without email?

Any suggestions on how to debug mail connection issues?  I use these SMTP servers with ssmtp, etc. so I know something is different here.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Log into /alfresco (Alfresco Explorer client) and you can create users via the Administrator Console (one of the icons on the top) -> Manage Systems Users. Once you've manually created the users you can search for and invite them from within Alfresco Share.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Yes you can create the users but the invite system requires email near as I can tell.  So to be more precise I manually created the users, sent the invites (which failed because of mail configuration), logged on to their accounts.  There is no indication that they are in a share that they have been "invited" to.  When logged in as the user if you issue a "request to join" the share I don't see anything on the admin side either.

It looks to me (a new user/installer) as though the workflow requires a working email connection or you basically can't do anything.  Seems strange that you couldn't do this manually since that wouldn't be an unusual use case in an enterprise(?)

Maybe I should try private instead of moderated?