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Share Portlet In Liferay

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Im trying to get the example Share portlet to work in Liferay but its not happening. I've followed this blog post on how to do it. I am using Alfresco CE 3.3G and Liferay 6.0.3 (in separate tomcat instances running at different ports).

I followed all the steps outlined in that post exactly except for the one about remote authenticator(step 6). For some reason, Share doesn't pick up webscript-framework-config-custom.xml so instead I put the remote authenticator definition in share-config-custom.xml:

<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Remote">

            <name>Alfresco - unauthenticated access</name>
            <description>Access to Alfresco Repository WebScripts that do not require authentication</description>

            <name>Alfresco Feed</name>
            <description>Alfresco Feed - supports basic HTTP authentication</description>

            <name>Alfresco Connector</name>
            <description>Connects to an Alfresco instance using cookie-based authentication</description>

            <name>Alfresco - user access</name>
            <description>Access to Alfresco Repository WebScripts that require user authentication</description>

When I add the portlet in liferay, I get this in the log and there are no exceptions:
DEBUG [web.portlet.ProxyPortlet] Processing portal render request http://localhost:9090//share (scriptUrl=/share/service/sample/cmis/repo)

However, there's nothing displayed in the portlet except for:
The requested resource (/share/service/sample/cmis/repo) is not available

Has anybody got this to work with Liferay 6.0.3? Thanks.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Please post the relevant sections of your share-config-custom.xml and files. Make sure to redact any sensitive information (URLs, etc).


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Spycos, i had that same issue:

in the share-config-custom.xml you need to have this :

            <name>Alfresco - user access</name>
            <description>Access to Alfresco Repository WebScripts that require user authentication</description>
        [b]    <external-auth>true</external-auth>[/b]

notice the part in bold:          <external-auth>true</external-auth>
and you need to create a user in alfresco with the same user/pwd of those you have in liferay

My problem is, I need to use the portlets without authentication, in public pages, but everytime i open the portal it asks me to login to alfresco Smiley Frustrated
does anyone knows how to use the portlets in liferay for public view??
Isnt there a way to define the alfresco credentials of the portlets, like for guest view ??
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