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Alfresco 3.4b Share templates and caching?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
When I make changes to Share page templates in Alfresco 3.4, I have a problem seeing my changes even after taking steps to disable caching.

I've read in Kev's Blog that you are supposed to put this:

      <config replace="true">
            <!– Developer debugging setting - DEBUG mode for client scripts in the browser –>

            <!– LOGGING can be toggled at runtime when in DEBUG mode (Ctrl, Ctrl, Shift, Shift).
                 This flag automatically activates logging on page load. –>

       <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="WebFramework">
               <!– Autowire Runtime Settings –>
                   <!– Pick the mode: development, preview, production –>
in share-config-custom.xml, but it seems that I still have caching issues even after doing this.

This information was for Alfresco 3.3.  Is this no longer valid for Alfresco 3.4? 

If, as a quick test, I make any change to a template page like removing a region (like the toolbar on the document library) then do a script refresh, I am not seeing that change even after I restart the Share webapp.

Someone please toss me a few suggestions.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Yes it is still valid for 3.4.

>If, as a quick test, I make any change to a template page like removing a region (like the toolbar on the document library) then do a script refresh, I am not seeing that change even after I restart the Share webapp.

Even *after* you restart? Are you sure you have copied over the files you have changed….? i.e. are you running with an exploded war file?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
My bad.  I was expecting different changes and didn't see the subtle change I'd actually made.  I decided to really tear up the template and see what happened.  Once I went crazy on it my mistake became clear.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
OK no problem Smiley Happy

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I'm dealing with some issues myself. I want to add a button next to 'create folder' that will let me create a folder based on a template, in Share. My main issue, at the moment is to add a button, because I've allready made the script to create a folder based on template.

Any help?

Best regars,
André Ascensão

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
That is not related to this issue. There are lots of examples of buttons and button events in the code.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Sorry kevinr,

I've seen some examples of that code  refer, but I've been not able to "see" the changes in Share page as refered in this thread by the first user.
Thank you anyway.

André Ascensão