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Share Forms - How to set help text

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
In the release notes for 3.3 it says aboout Forms Engine "Help text for fields, renders a "?" icon that reveals the configured help text…"
How do you set that?

I've tried setting that in
    <field id="my:customfield" mandatory="true" read-only="false" help-text-id=""/>
with lots of variations of "help-text-id". Nothing seems to work
Going to source code I found in web-framework-commons/source/java/org/alfresco/web/config/forms/ that there is nothing declared for help text (as there is for things like message-id).

So what would be the correct way of adding help text?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

You're almost there  :wink:

You need to either use "help" or "help-id" as the attribute name. For example:

   <field id="fdk:state" help-id=" />
   <field id="fdk:zip" help="Please enter a valid ZIP code" />

As you've noticed the Forms wiki page has not been updated with this information yet, I'm hoping to rectify that in the next couple of days.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Thanks, I do recall I tried that. But it does not render if there is a constraint on the field, which is was for the field I tried. Trying "help-id" on plain text field, and it works.
Filed a case for it,

Also filed an enhancement request. It would be cool if it respected html tags, as is done for many properties strings. Then you could do something like case type. <a href="/share/page/search?t=test" target="_top">Read more…</a>
My idea is that you could get a hyperlink that dynamically links to SOPs and guides (probably with a better search than above).

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
If either the help-id or help attributes are provided a "?" icon is rendered at the end of the field that will reveal the help text when clicked. Fields that have a constraint applied (except regular expression constraints) automatically get help text applied with an indication of what the user needs to enter. The "?" icon will not appear when the form is in view mode.