Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to add custom webscripts to Share (Enterprise) using the Maven All-In-One Archetype. I created a dashlet, and copied all the corresponding files to share\src\main\resources\alfresco\site-webscripts\org\enterprise\components.
The dashlet is recognised and displayed correctly by Share. However, I tried to 'override' an existing dashlet (eg. flash-upload) and if I copied the corresponding files to the same folder, there came a WARN entry at server startup, that the dashlet could not be registered, because it is duplicated.
If I tried to copy all these files to share\src\main\resources\alfresco\web-extension, it made no sense, Share didn't recognise any of the custom dashlets.
What would be the correct way to apply these extensions within the all-in-one maven archetype? Am I copying the webscript files to an incorrect location?
Thanks for the answer.