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Set value text field in Activiti Worflow (Alfresco Model)

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hi all,
I have a Workflow with 2 tasks, and first task has a model with a text field (wfRepromaqSmiley SurprisedbsAnaliseCredito).
I want to show this field on my next task with value informed on  my first task when i run workflow in the Alfresco Cummunity.

My Models:

1ª Task:
<type name="wfRepromaq:analisarCredito">
        <title>Analisar  Crédito</title>
       <!– Custom field–>
        <property name="wfRepromaqSmiley SurprisedbsAnaliseCredito">
        <title>Observação Analise de Crédito</title>
      <!– End fied–>
2ª Task:
<type name="wfRepromaq:analiseComercialPedido">
        <title>Análise Pedido Gerência Comercial</title>
        <property name="wfRepromaq:reviewOutcome3">
            <constraint type="LIST">
              <parameter name="allowedValues">
        <property name="bpmSmiley SurprisedutcomePropertyName">

My Share-Config:
<config evaluator="task-type" condition="wfRepromaq:analiseComercialPedido">
          <show id="bpm:workflowDescription" />
          <show id="packageItems" />
          <show id="bpm:comment" />
           <show id="wfRepromaqSmiley SurprisedbsAnaliseCredito" />
           <show id="wfRepromaq:reviewOutcome3" />
          <field id="packageItems" read-only="true"/>
          <field id="bpm:workflowDescription" label-id="workflow.field.message" read-only="true">
            <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/textarea.ftl">
              <control-param name="style">width: 95%</control-param>
          <field id="wfRepromaq:reviewOutcome3" read-only="false">
            <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/workflow/activiti-transitions.ftl" />
What i have to do to the field "wfRepromaqSmiley SurprisedbsAnaliseCredito" load with value informed before ? Thanks!!

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You need to wrap your xml in code tags … the forum doesn't show it.

Also … this is the Activiti forum, not sure if many people will be able to help you with Alfresco questions here.