02-24-2009 04:21 AM
<project id="">
<properity1 />
<properity2 />
02-24-2009 06:35 PM
String xmlTag="<"+searchIn+">"+searchFor;
SearchParameters sp=new SearchParameters();
sp.addStore( new StoreRef(StoreRef.PROTOCOL_WORKSPACE,"SpacesStore"));
sp.setQuery("PATH:\"" + "/app:company_home/cm:MyProject/cm:Projects/cm:Proposed/cm:SubmittedProject" + "//*\" AND TYPE:\"" +
ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT + "\" AND TEXT:\"" + xmlTag + "\"");
ResultSet resultSet = getSearchService().query(sp);
where searchIn: the xml Element02-24-2009 10:10 PM
02-25-2009 06:29 AM
04-15-2009 10:28 AM
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