02-03-2009 08:39 AM
02-03-2009 08:49 AM
02-03-2009 12:34 PM
02-04-2009 02:26 AM
02-04-2009 09:48 AM
02-05-2009 02:22 AM
02-05-2009 10:51 AM
02-05-2009 11:17 AM
select fact.timestamp, convert(prop.string_value using utf8)
from alf_audit_fact fact
join alf_audit_source source
on fact.audit_source_id = source.id
and (
(source.service = 'NodeService' and source.method = 'deleteNode')
or (source.service = 'FileFolderService' and source.method = 'delete')
join alf_node_status ns on ns.guid = fact.node_uuid
join alf_node_properties prop
on ns.node_id = prop.node_id
and prop.qname = '{http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0}name'
02-23-2011 04:36 PM
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