04-20-2009 04:54 AM
for each(prop in document.properties["cjp:dproc_listaAImplicadas"])
var mail = actions.create("mail");
var groups = new Array("GROUP_"+prop);
mail.parameters.subject = "Nuevo Procedimiento elaborado por el area de " + document.properties["cjp:dproc_AreaOrigen"];
mail.parameters.from = "pedro.jimenezt@xxxxxx.xx";
mail.parameters.template = companyhome.childByNamePath("Data Dictionary/Email Templates/notificar_grupos.ftl");
mail.parameters.text = "";
06-18-2009 06:41 AM
06-18-2009 06:44 AM
06-18-2009 06:48 AM
var mail = actions.create("mail");
mail.parameters.subject = "reasignado ";
mail.parameters.from = "noreply@noreply.com";
mail.parameters.text = "hola hola hola";
06-18-2009 06:51 AM
execute(ScriptNode node)
Executes the action against the specified node. The action (and its parameters) may be re-used against many nodes by repeatedly invoking execute. Between invocations, the parameters of the action may be changed. An example of executing the "mail" action follows:
06-18-2009 06:56 AM
06-18-2009 07:01 AM
06-18-2009 07:15 AM
06-18-2009 07:37 AM
06-19-2009 03:12 AM
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