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Forum Posts

Render text property as textarea

Hi everyone,is it possible to render property from workflow task (type d:text) like textarea using renderNamedRegion() method? I couldn't figure that out. Anybody knows any other way in wich control is automatically binded to workflow task property?T...

mrjay by Champ in-the-making
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Build Failed

Hi , I compile the source code of alfresco, after having taken using SVN. I compile using ant, and after 55 sec I get this error BUILD FAILEDC:\Users\atef\Dropbox\MAMD & Atef\Alfresco\root\projects.xml:317: The following error occurred while executin...

takwa by Champ in-the-making
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Tags will not delete in Alfresco Share

We are running Alfresco Share 4.0.d, having upgrade from our original installation of 3.4.dWe have a Share tag that someone entered as a test which we would like to get rid of. In the list of tags on the left-hand column on share it shows this tag as...

alanhughes by Champ in-the-making
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complex conditions in virtual folder

Hi, How I can build structure query in virtual folder xml file for this query :cmis:folder.cmis:createdBy = 'fararjeh' and ( F:re:requestForm.reurchasingManagerStatus ='approve' or = 'done')This is virtual folder xm...

fararjeh by Champ in-the-making
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AAAR issues when using with SSL enabled Alfresco

Hi All Like to give feedbackI was testing AAAR to extract data  from alfresco which has SSL enabled, it throws error The errors are <strong> cat ../logs/AAAR.log  | grep error </strong>2014/02/25 18:50:21 - HTTP - ERROR (version 5.0.1-stable, build ...

bisana by Champ on-the-rise
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Async tasks do not always log proper error when failing

Whenever an async task fails with a "No value for key" exception, the original error doesn't get logged properly. Instead, it gets logged to stderr. We are using Tomcat, so that means this error goes to catalina.out.We are using async tasks in a numb...

mnorman by Champ in-the-making
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Problem with selecting data before aspect applied to any file

I have problem when trying to execute CMIS query like thisELECT * FROM namespace:aspectName WHERE namespace:lastUpdate<=1392983610113  ORDER BY namespace:lastUpdate ASC‍before aspect 'aspectName' is applied to any document. Result should be the empty...

pogoma by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti Database Exception

I am using activiti 5.14 .In activiti database i am getting the following exception..Feb 22, 2014 9:05:29 PM rollbackOnExceptionSEVERE: Application exception overridden by rollback exception...

sarkar92 by Champ in-the-making
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no handler was found for GET

Hello everyone,I'm having a peculiar issue regarding just one file in our Alfresco installation. Our install4.2.d on Centos 6.4 w/ Apache as the SSL connection.I have a site with site managers that have an issue with one excel spreadsheet file. This ...

eswbitto by Confirmed Champ
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