I need to integrate activiti in existing web application. My Project already has junit-4.8.1.jar included (with which I am not able to get 'JUnit 4 style of coding' working properly(using ActivitiRule etc)). Though I am able to run 'Junit 3 style of coding' (extending ActivitiTestCase) working good with this jar itself.
Q: Can I use Junit 3 style of coding extending ActivitiTestCase with junit-4.8.1.jar ? Or it will leads to some problems later on for complex flows? I really need good reason why to upgrade to junit-4.11.jar in my existing project as it incorporates more extra testing effort. <b>Please would someone point ActivitiRule is beneficial compare to ActivitiTestCase?? </b>
Just to point from user guide that led me to this confusion: http://activiti.org/userguide/index.html#apiUnitTesting "In the JUnit 3 style, the org.activiti.engine.test.ActivitiTestCase must be extended. " "To get the same functionality when using the JUnit 4 style of writing unit tests, the org.activiti.engine.test.ActivitiRule Rule must be used."
And I am trying to use Junit 3 style with junit-4.8.1.jar to avoid more testing work if i upgrade existing application to junit-4.11.jar.