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Root starting point in share repository

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

In Alfresco 3.3, a great new feature is to allow you to access to the repository from Share.
In my case, I defined a root enterprise under \company home\. In Alfresco Explorer, my users hold this default home folder in their profile. On Share, this ability doesn't seem to exist.

Unfortunately, my users can see (only the top roots) the whole repository and not only the root enterprise folder, as starting point.

I'd like to show them only, by default, my root enterprise.

I've tried to modify tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\web-extension\share-config-custom.xml like this :
<!– Root nodeRef for top-level folder –>

This works fine as a starting point and folders under Company Home aren't shown anymore … but I have path errors because the relative path have been also changed.

Is there a workaround to benefit of same things which are provided by Alfresco WebClient interface ?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Having very similar problem.
Any resolutions?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
As the comment states in the config file, it's a nodeRef, not a path.

i.e. the format needs to be something like
Additionally, the Share DocLib supports a few "virtual" nodeRefs, namely:
  • alfresco://company/home

  • alfresco://user/home

  • alfresco://sites/home

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
I missed it !

Thanks Mike, it works fine !

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
MikeH > j'ai les nodeRef "virtuels" que vous citez. En particulier je suis intéressé pour que la personne soit redirige directement vers le site (son espace de travail pour share) avec : alfresco://sites/home et je ne vois pas trop ce que ça fait. Si une personne a accès a plusieurs sites, comment choisir sur lequel la rediriger ? Je vois que sous share il n'y a plus de notion d'espace personnel (mais de site), nous devons crée l'arborescence en question à la "main" ? Pour cela on a besoin de surcharger la méthode de création d'un user ?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I'm not really sure what your question is, as my French isn't great (please try to keep to English here, we do have French-speaking forums also)…

However, I think you're asking whether the Repository link can point to a particular site? IF so, you'd need to find it's nodeRef - either from looking at the details page via Share, or from the Explorer client.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I'am sorry for my mistake, I will continue in French.
I was saying that argument alfresco://sites/home is not working for my version of alfresco 3.1.1 EE. It does nothing.
When I put the noderef on the conventional form : workspace://SpacesStore/94e622a3-393a-43d3-bb5e-f162d75cbd50 referencing the "documentlibray" folder into "companyhome:sites" folder, it does nothing.
Finally, I modified directly the site-index.jsp to redirect to the hard coded URL of the site.
I will do a managed bean to do a dynamic redirection according to the login user.

Thanks anyway

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I'am sorry for my mistake, I will continue in French.
I was saying that argument alfresco://sites/home is not working for my version of alfresco 3.1.1 EE. It does nothing.
When I put the noderef on the conventional form : workspace://SpacesStore/94e622a3-393a-43d3-bb5e-f162d75cbd50 referencing the "documentlibray" folder into "companyhome:sites" folder, it does nothing.
Finally, I modified directly the site-index.jsp to redirect to the hard coded URL of the site.
I will do a managed bean to do a dynamic redirection according to the login user.

Thanks anyway
I don't think the Repository browser was implemented for 3.1.1 EE.

Note, it's only the Document Library scripts which understand the virtual nodeRef format.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Sorry I'am coding under Alfresco 3.3.1 EE.