Server : Virtual Machine Environment (x64) - Alfresco Community 4.2.e (alfresco-community-4.2.e-installer-win-x64) - Records Management 2.1 (alfresco-rm-2.1.a-621) - Oracle 11g - Windows 7 Pro
Client x64 - Chrome Version m - Windows 8 Pro
Context - I am attempting to validate the features advertised on the official website for the RM module to suggest the solution's integration in the company i work for. The feature which concerns this post is "Rapid eDiscovery"
Issue - When i click on "Search" (URL - http://HOSTORT/share/page/site/rm/rmsearch), called "Recherche de documents d'archives" in my case, the page displayed is a blank one (see attached file)
Other issue - How can i restrict manage "Download" rights exclusively / separately ? The permissions configuration doesnt seem that detailed and i cannot find any "permission" or "permissionGroup" (recordsPermissionModel.xml) pertaining to downloads.
Can anyone please give me an answer for this issue, or a hint or at least reply. I ended up installing alfresco with the RM module, and now have over 5 000 records stored. BUT IMPOSSIBLE TO SEARCH USING THE RECORDS SEARCH.