Hi! i'm sorry if my following quistion is stupid or answer is too obvious, but i`m new to activiti and i was not able to find solution … i have java class, which returns abstract Result class - and two possible Result descendants OKResult and ErrorResult. And my question is: how can i make conditionExpression in connection, where will be checked dataType of some variable?
i have serviceTask calling some springBean methid, which returns Result with resultVariable set and i need something like ${result instanceof ResultOK} and ${result instanceof ResultError} on two following connections
Since you're using spring you can also put that logic in a Spring bean and call it in an expression on your sequence flow. That will probably be the easiest in your case.
thanks, for your answer .. so you mean to create ban method, where will be logic that will evaluate object class, comparing it and returning true/false strings?? that can make process definition quite difficult and confusing, i there will be few of these decision beans .. is there some other way?? in conditionexpression i can only compare string, int .. ?