I am using Activiti 5.14 (also tested with 5.13). I try to add a new attachment which is a link to an external resource using [1]. curl –user kermit:kermit -XPOST http://localhost:18080/activiti-rest/service/runtime/tasks/{taskId}/attachments -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name":"Simple attachment", "description":"Simple attachment description", "type":"simpleType", "externalUrl":"http://activiti.org" }'
The response code is 201 but I cannot find the new attachment in "Related content" section from Activiti Explorer instead it appears in "Events" section.
I compare entries created from activiti explorer and REST api in act_hi_attachment table and it looks like the difference is proc_inst_id_ being null when created from REST api.
I am pretty new with Activiti. I am missing something obvious?