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Forum Posts

Error when saving a wiki site

Hi!When I use the wiki sites section in Alfresco Share, I noticed an error.I edit a site or create a new one. When I try to save a site with a weblink an error occure (Wrapped Exception (with status template): Failed to execute script '/org/alfresco/...

aisling by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco compatibility with others applicatins open-source

Is it necessary to install Alfresco Labs on a dedicated server ? or can it cohabit with other open-source applications?I have a server with Linux Debian; composed of php5; mysql; Apache and phpmyadmin. On this server is installed and configured the a...

nat82 by Champ in-the-making
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creating advanced workflows through JBPM

Hi,I need to create a document review process containing serial and parallel reviews .I have designed it in JBPM pocess designer .Now i need to integrate it with ALfresco Enterproze 3.0.1 I am not aware of  jpdl scripting and other configuration sett...

priyanjali by Champ in-the-making
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Duedate for Timer

Is this a correct way of firing a workflow timer?<timer name="sendMail" duedate="#{bpm_workflowDueDate} - 1 day" transition="sendMail">I want the timer to fire an event one day before workflow duedate. But this duedate format gives error saying 'Does...

aswini by Champ in-the-making
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Link to a document in library from wiki

How do you link to a document currently residing in the document library from a Wiki entry?  Or blog or discussion for that matter?  When you click to add a URL to a wiki entry, you get a very simple pop up box.  If you paste in any of the URLs that ...

jtp by Champ in-the-making
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Problem logging in because of 'Non-unique path' [SOLVED]

We had an Alfresco installation (2.1 I guess) running on a Windows server. The harddisk of the machine crashed and now I restored the backups to the latest Alfresco version on a Linux server. I had quite some difficulties getting the DB to upgrade bu...

Nuevo Desarrollador

Hola como ya deduciréis soy nuevo en tecnologías alfresco y quiero aprender de una forma un poco rápida los entresijos de alfresco en cuestión de desarrollo, si fuerais tan amables de indicarme el "cartelito" que me de la dirección a seguir en estos ...

dongash by Champ in-the-making
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Configurar alfresco community 2.9 como servicio de windows

Hola a todos,Instalé alfresco community 2.9 sobre un equipo con sistema operativo windows vista, y deseo configurar alfresco como servicio de windows.Realizo los pasos tal cual aparece documentado, definiendo lo siguiente:service.bat install alfresco...

Installation Alfresco LABS 3 on Glassfish 2.1

I am trying to install Alfresco LABS 3 on Glassfish 2.1. All seems ok. WARs are correctly deployed. http://localhost:8080/alfresco work fine. But when i try http://localhost:8080/share application, then, after login page, I see following exception:A ...

artem by Champ in-the-making
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