05-22-2008 10:12 AM
<#– 3 column list of small thumbnails for images in the current folder –>
<#assign colcount=0>
<table width=100%>
<#list space.children as child>
<#if child.isDocument && (child.mimetype = "image/gif" || child.mimetype = "image/jpeg" || child.mimetype = "image/png")>
<#if colcount % 3 = 0><tr></#if>
<td align=center>
<div style='padding:8px'><a href="/alfresco${child.url}" target="new"><img src="/alfresco${child.url}" width=120 border=0></a></div>
<div><a href="/alfresco${child.url}" target="new">${child.properties.name}</a></div>
<#if colcount % 3 = 2></tr></#if>
<#assign colcount=colcount+1>
<#list userhome.children as child>
<#if child.isDocument>
<#if child.mimetype = "text/plain">
<tr><td style='padding-left:16px'>${child.content}</td></tr>
<#elseif child.mimetype = "image/jpeg">
<tr><td style='padding-left:16px'><img width=100 height=65 src="/alfresco${child.url}"><td></tr>
05-23-2008 01:02 AM
05-25-2008 12:55 PM
Find what you came for
We want to make your experience in Hyland Connect as valuable as possible, so we put together some helpful links.