02-01-2010 11:23 AM
org.alfresco.repo.security.authority.UnknownAuthorityException: 01010007 An authority was not found for GROUP_site_siteb_SiteManager
result = remote.call('/api/sites?');
* Result will contain the exception message above.02-01-2010 11:46 AM
02-01-2010 11:58 AM
02-01-2010 12:20 PM
02-01-2010 12:34 PM
Renaming a Site is -as you've discovered- unsupported currently. You can rename the Site's name and description through the Share UI, but not the URL.
More importantly, modifying ANY Site parameter via the Explorer ("/alfresco") web client is very risky and can cause all sorts of problems; which is why we present the yellow warning banner across that client when browsing within the Sites space or subspaces.
Having said that, you could probably programatically rename the existing Site groups if you did want to rename a Site's shortName, however we really wouldn't recommend this.
02-01-2010 12:40 PM
02-01-2010 12:44 PM
02-01-2010 12:54 PM
02-01-2010 02:49 PM
06-02-2010 03:32 AM
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