09-09-2010 06:22 AM
09-09-2010 08:32 AM
09-09-2010 10:05 AM
09-10-2010 04:44 AM
public void init(FilterConfig conf) throws ServletException {
String propsLocation = conf.getInitParameter( "mappingFileLocation" );
if (propsLocation == null)
log.warn( "No filter init parameter 'mappingFileLocation' set (should refer to file in classpath)" );
propsLocation = "themefilter.properties";
props = new Properties();
URL url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
.getResource( propsLocation );
if (url != null)
props.load( url.openStream() );
log.warn( "Filter file " + propsLocation
+ " couldn't be read in classpath" );
log.debug( "Successfully read site to theme properties file from "
+ propsLocation + " in classpath" );
catch (Exception e)
log.warn( "Failed to read theme properties from "
+ propsLocation
+ " (mappingFileLocation filter init parameter) in classpath." );
<description>Add theme parameter to requests</description>
<description>Location of mapping file from sites to themes</description>
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