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Récupération de la liste des utilisateur d'1 workfl [Résolu]

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

J'ai créé un Workflow dans lequel je peux séléctionner des utilisateurs. Comment puis-je récupérer cette liste pour l'exploiter dans un programme Java. J'ai essayé d'analyser la class ForEachFork qui récupère déjà ce type d'information grâce aux balises suivantes : <foreach> et </foreach> et la variable #{lwf_reviewAssignees}

<action class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.ForEachFork">
mais au final j'obtiens ceci

[Node Type: {}person, Node Aspects: [{}referenceable, {}configurable, {}ownable]]
grâce au code suivant :

     if (foreach != null) {
           List forEachColl = null;
           String forEachCollStr = foreach.getTextTrim();
           System.out.println("DEBUG FOREACH COLLSTR : " + forEachCollStr);
           if (forEachCollStr != null)
               if (forEachCollStr.startsWith("#{"))
                   String expression = forEachCollStr.substring(2, forEachCollStr.length() -1);
                   Object eval = AlfrescoJavaScript.executeScript(executionContext, services, expression, null);
                   System.out.println("DEBUG EVAL : " + eval);
                   if (eval == null)
                       throw new WorkflowException("forEach expression '" + forEachCollStr + "' evaluates to null");
                   // expression evaluates to string
                   if (eval instanceof String)
                       String[] forEachStrs = ((String)eval).trim().split(",");
                       System.out.println("DEBUG FOREACH STR : " + forEachStrs);
                       forEachColl = new ArrayList(forEachStrs.length);
                       for (String forEachStr : forEachStrs)
                           System.out.println("DEBUG FOREACH : " + forEachStr);
                   // expression evaluates to Node array
                   else if (eval instanceof Serializable[])
                       Serializable[] nodes = (Serializable[])eval;
                       System.out.println("DEBUG NODES : " + nodes);
                       forEachColl = new ArrayList(nodes.length);
                       for (Serializable node : nodes)
                          System.out.println("DEBUG NODE : " + node);
                           if (node instanceof NodeRef)
                               forEachColl.add(new JBPMNode((NodeRef)node, services));
                   // expression evaluates to collection
                   else if (eval instanceof Collection)
                       forEachColl = (List)eval;
                       System.out.println("DEBUG forEachColl : " + forEachColl);
               forEachColl = (List)FieldInstantiator.getValue(List.class, foreach);
               System.out.println("DEBUG FOREACHCOLL : " + forEachColl);
Comment puis-je utiliser ce résultat, pour pouvoir positionner les permissions de lecture en fonction du résultat retourné par cette liste.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Bon en faite l'utilisation de la variable #{lwf_reviewAssignees} n'était pas la manière la plus simple pour arriver à mes fin. J'ai donc fini par utiliser la variable #{reviewer} généré par le code de mon Workflow suivant  :

<action class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.ForEachFork">
Pour réaliser cette opération, je me suis appuyé sur le code de la classe org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.AlfrescoAssignment pour pouvoir convertir la variable #{reviewer} en quelquechose d'utilisable par la fonction setPermission.

Le code qui en résulte est le suivant :

public class SetPermissions  extends JBPMSpringActionHandler { 

   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

   private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SetPermissions.class);
   private BeanFactory factory;
   private ServiceRegistry services;   
   // Property names
   //public static final QName PROP_DOCUMENT_NAME = QName.createQName("cm","name");
   //public static final QName PROP_DOCUMENT_STATUS = QName.createQName("lpr.model","DocumentStatus");
   //public static final QName REVIEW_ASSIGNEES = QName.createQName("lwf.workflowModel","reviewAssignees");
   public static final String WORKFLOW_USER = "workflow";
   public static final String WORKFLOW_PASSWORD = "password";
   // Patameters
   private AuthorityDAO authorityDAO;
   private Element actor;

   protected void initialiseHandler(BeanFactory factory) {
      this.factory = factory;
      services = (ServiceRegistry)factory.getBean(ServiceRegistry.SERVICE_REGISTRY);
      authorityDAO = (AuthorityDAO)factory.getBean("authorityDAO");

   //@SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
   public void execute(ExecutionContext executionContext) throws Exception {
      if (actor == null) {
         throw new WorkflowException("status has not been provided");
      System.out.println("===> ACTOR:= " + actor);
      // Get the Actor ID
      String assignedActor = null;
        if (actor != null)
            String actorValStr = actor.getTextTrim();
            if (actorValStr != null && actorValStr.length() > 0)
                if (actorValStr.startsWith("#{"))
                    String expression = actorValStr.substring(2, actorValStr.length() -1);
                    Object eval = AlfrescoJavaScript.executeScript(executionContext, services, expression, null);
                    //System.out.println("===> ACTOR(eval):= " + eval);
                    if (eval == null)
                        throw new WorkflowException("actor expression '" + actorValStr + "' evaluates to null");

                    String actor = null;
                    if (eval instanceof String)
                        actor = (String)eval;
                        //System.out.println("===> ACTOR(String):= " + actor);
                    else if (eval instanceof JBPMNode)
                        actor = mapAuthorityToName((JBPMNode)eval, false);
                        //System.out.println("===> ACTOR(JBPMNode):= " + actor);
                    if (actor == null)
                        throw new WorkflowException("actor expression must evaluate to a person");
                    assignedActor = actor;
                    //System.out.println("===> ACTOR(actor):= " + actor);
                    assignedActor = actorValStr;
                    System.out.println("===> ACTOR(actorValStr):= " + assignedActor);
        System.out.println("===> ACTOR (Assigned):= " + assignedActor);      
      try {
         Object res = executionContext.getContextInstance().getVariable("bpm_package");
         if(res == null) {
            //never enters here
            logger.fatal("bpm_package is null");

         final NodeRef nodeRef = ((JBPMNode) res).getNodeRef();    
         if(nodeRef == null) {
            //never enters here
            logger.fatal("NodeRef is null");
         NodeService nodeService = (NodeService) this.factory.getBean("nodeService");
         NamespaceService namespaceService = (NamespaceService) this.factory.getBean("namespaceService");
         PermissionService permissionService = (PermissionService) this.factory.getBean("permissionService");
         String DocPath = null;
         List<ChildAssociationRef> childRefs = nodeService.getChildAssocs(nodeRef);
         for (ChildAssociationRef tchildRef : childRefs) {
            final NodeRef childRef = tchildRef.getChildRef();
                DocPath = nodeService.getPath(childRef).toPrefixString(namespaceService);
         Repository repository = (Repository)this.factory.getBean("JCR.Repository");
         Session session = null;
         try {
            // Think to add workflow as administrator on the "authority-service-contxt.xml" file on "classalfresco"
            session = repository.login(new SimpleCredentials(WORKFLOW_USER,WORKFLOW_PASSWORD.toCharArray()));

            // access the page via JCR
            Node rootNode = session.getRootNode();
            Node curentNodeRef = rootNode.getNode(DocPath);
            // Convert the JCR Node to an Alfresco Node Reference
            NodeRef AdminNodeRef = JCRNodeRef.getNodeRef(curentNodeRef);

            // Change permission
            //permissionService.setInheritParentPermissions(AdminNodeRef, false);
            permissionService.setPermission(AdminNodeRef, assignedActor, PermissionService.READ_CONTENT, true);
         finally {

      } catch (Exception e) {
    private String mapAuthorityToName(ScriptNode authority, boolean allowGroup) {
        String name = null;
        QName type = authority.getType();
        if (type.equals(ContentModel.TYPE_PERSON)) {
            name = (String)authority.getProperties().get(ContentModel.PROP_USERNAME);
        } else  if (type.equals(ContentModel.TYPE_AUTHORITY)) {
            name = authorityDAO.getAuthorityName(authority.getNodeRef());
        } else  if (allowGroup && type.equals(ContentModel.TYPE_AUTHORITY_CONTAINER)) {
            name = authorityDAO.getAuthorityName(authority.getNodeRef());
        return name;
Cette nouvelle classe est appelé par mon Workflow comme suit :

<action class="lpr.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.SetPermissions">
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