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Question on Alfresco Business Rules

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi All,

I'm new to Alfresco and I' trying to create a business rule as follows:

There are three spaces : dropZone, Contracts, Invoices:

Business rule on dropZone is as follows:

File names that has "contract" in their name will be moved to Contracts space and similarily Invoice files will be moved.

User X has write permission to dropZone but not to other spaces.

If user X does a FTP to dropZone, it's not been moved as per the rules. Move is working fine if he has the write permissions to Contracts and Invoices spaces.

Logically, I don't see any need for the user to have a write permission on the other spaces where the move is being performed by Rule Engine. Also, if I give write access to the target space, he can upload all the junk with out passing through Rule Engine.

Please let me know if my understanding is wrong. If my understanding is correct, there should be a fix from Alfresco that allows the above condition to work.

Appreciate your thoughts…

Praveen Manthena

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Business rules that are triggered by an action of a user operate with that user's credentials.

It is certainly not clear to me when a break occurs, or if one does, in a chain of triggered rules. If a rule moves a document to a folder, which in turn starts up rules which move/transform/etc the document further, are all of the rules running as the originator?

It may be possible in a business rule script to give away ownership to someone who has more privileges. That might make subsequent triggered rules use the new owner's credentials.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Just tried the scenario by creating a content rule on a dropzone (move to another space for specific file name condition) and tested from share with user that has no right / is no member of move-to site.

Works as long there is no file with the same name - even if the user who uploads the file to the dropzone has rights to the move-to site.

Looks like you might have to use a small script that changes the file name when moving to the move-to space to an unique name (and then run some script there if you need versioning).
