Sorry, very new to Activiti.
Using Activiti 5.15.1, along with JPA and Hibernate 4
Assume, there is a process variable Object A, which is a JPA persisted Object. Once the process goes into waiting mode and is woken up by a Message event like a Boundary Message, how will the Object A work. How will it get associated with a hibernate session? When the boundary message is trigger or send, it is done from a @Transactional method and the call is not synchronous, so the transaction is available, for Activiti.
I am mainly facing a problem where when the process wakes up after a Boundary message, the call to get a collection from A, say A.getChildren() fails with the message: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: com.telrock.tsys_accounts.vo.PaymentPlanVO.paymentScheduleVOList4978.47
A.children, no session or session was closed