01-22-2012 05:55 AM
private void setReadOnly(ScriptNode node) {
permissionService.setPermission(node.getNodeRef(), PermissionService.ALL_AUTHORITIES, PermissionService.CONSUMER,
But if i'm add my user if other group(for example - Template designer) and than add new permission for blocking content from Alfresco Share(for example group-"TEMPLATE_DESIGNER" role-"COORDINATOR") - after that my user must delete content, add new content(if it folder) and other…
private void setReadOnly(ScriptNode node) {
permissionService.setInheritParentPermissions(node.getNodeRef(), false);
but it is not suitable for some reason. Please, answer - how to prohibit delete a content for all users(except admin)?01-23-2012 06:08 AM
01-23-2012 06:46 AM
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