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ProcessDiagramGenerator error

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi guys,

I try to use ProcessDiagramGenerator to generate the png of a process but I couldn't yet.
I am getting the error below.

Caused by: java.awt.image.RasterFormatException: (x + width) is outside raster
at sun.awt.image.IntegerInterleavedRaster.createWritableChild(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.image.BufferedImage.getSubimage(Unknown Source)
at org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.deployer.ProcessDiagramCanvas.generateImage(
at org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.deployer.ProcessDiagramGenerator.generateDiagram(
at org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.deployer.ProcessDiagramGenerator.generatePngDiagram(

Do you have any idea, what is the reason?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Can you post some more code on how you use the generator exactly?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The way that I try is below, I am casting ProcessDefinition to ProcessDefinitionEntity (because I coludn't find the way to get ProcessDefinitionEntity from query), may it be the reason??

InputStream generatePngDiagram = ProcessDiagramGenerator.generatePngDiagram((ProcessDefinitionEntity) getProcessEngine().getRepositoryService().createProcessDefinitionQuery().processDefinitionId(selecetedProcessInstance.getProcessDefinitionId()).singleResult());

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Looks like your diagram goes beyond canvas bounds. Shouldn't happen, since all activities are checked, and the min and max X and Y coördinates are calculated to prevent this error.

Did you create the diagram in the modeler? Is it possible to attach the process?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Actually, I don't know how to generate the diagram in modeler, I have just seen it in activiti cycle and I have attached  the process and signavio xml.
Thanks for your quick reply by the way.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

If I import the process using probe, it generates the image successfully. Are you running 5.2?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I'm also trying to use the ProcessDiagramGenerator and I get the same error as above. I'm invoking the generator like this:

ProcessDefinitionEntity procDef = (ProcessDefinitionEntity) getProcessEngine().getRepositoryService().createProcessDefinitionQuery()
List<String> activeActivities = getProcessEngine().getRuntimeService().getActiveActivityIds(processInstanceId);
ProcessDiagramGenerator.generateDiagram(procDef,"jpg", activeActivities);

When debugging, I noticed that the property "activities" in the ProcessDefinition is empty (not null, but empty list). I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but since I saw the list is being accessed in initProcessDiagramCanvas() (iterating over it in a for-loop) I though it might be worth mentioning it.

Everything in my system is switched to Activiti 5.2 (DB as well as Webapp), and the process was generated with Activiti Designer 0.7.0. I attached the BPMN File.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I got the same thing when I used the repository service to get the deployment because the activities list is empty. When I run it with the following code, I get one step further as the activities are set:

ProcessDiagramGenerator.generateDiagram((ProcessDefinitionEntity) execution.getProcessDefinition(), "png", execution.findActiveActivityIds());
Is this intentional?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

If I import the process using probe, it generates the image successfully. Are you running 5.2?

Yes, I am using 5.2. And I still have the same problem, couldn't solve it.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The activiti-webapp-rest module uses the following code to get the ProcessDefinitionEntity:
ProcessDefinitionEntity pde = (ProcessDefinitionEntity) ((RepositoryServiceImpl) getRepositoryService())
Such process definition entity seems to have the activities initialized.
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