I am using springboot Activiti. After deployment process definition diagrams are not generated and no exception is thrown. Regarding: http://www.activiti.org/userguide/#generatingProcessDiagram diagram should be generated when link to it is not provided.
REST api query /repository/process-definitions on Windows server:
Links looks ok, but neither resource, neither diagramResource are opened (diagramResource I asume not even generated). Error: "Whitelabel Error Page
This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.
Thu Aug 06 22:39:06 CEST 2015 There was an unexpected error (type=Not Acceptable, status=406). Not Acceptable"
Maybe someone has an idea what could be wrong? Maybe I lack permissions or I need to define location of *.bpmn20.xml files explicitly? Or it's activiti issue with springboot or something?
P.S. Process instace diagrams are generated well. Does the process definition and process instance diagrams are using different image generation engines?
Hi, it seems you are working for a demo app "spring-boot-activiti-example-master". it would be easier to investigate if you will share the sources. What do you think is it possible ?
Hi, thanks for the zip it was very useful; now I see the issue you were talking about. It seems to have an issue here (since the generated URL's are not working, and doesn't look to nice too).
You could have a look here (the involved resources): <code> DeploymentResourceDataResource.java </code> and also here: <code> DeploymentResourceCollectionResource.java </code> </code>
if you will have a fix for it don't hesitate and create a PR.