I am having numerous issues with several of the 2.9 C builds up to and including the 2/22 drop. For Firefox 2.1.12 (Mac OS X and Windows XP), the increase indeces is not working. The red Chiba/XForms dialog shows 'Loading 2' and just stays that way until you try again, and then it will display 'Loading 4' but not do anything. This is for example with the included Article.xsl. If you click finish, and then reopen the content, then there will be two additional elements added (in this case 'body').
For Safari, that increment indeces works, but values that are populated into text areas, and file selectors are not retained when saved.
I was having similar issues with 2.9B. Has anyone else seen these types of issues?
This is from Firebugs console, when clicking on the plus to insert another 'body' element:
sending request to XFormsBean.fireAction(id=repeat_0-insert_after)
Loading (2)
The logs don't show anything helpful.