09-13-2011 11:32 AM
<shortname>List of pictures</shortname>
<description>List of pictures</description>
<!– pictures start –>
<#if articles??>
<!– if articles –>
<#if articles.title??>
<div class="interior-header">
<h2 class="full-h">${articles.title}</h2>
<#if articles.description??><p class="intheader-paragraph">${articles.description}</p></#if>
<div class="interior-content">
<#if articles.assets?size == 0>
<#if subTitle??><h3>${msg(subTitle)}</h3></#if>
<ul class="portfolio-wrapper">
<#list articles.assets as article>
<a href="<@makeurl asset=article force='long'/>${linkParam!''}"><img src="<@makeurl asset=article rendition='mediumPublicationThumbnail'/>" alt="${asset.title!''}" class="img-border" /></a>
<h3><a href="<@makeurl asset=article force='long'/>${linkParam!''}">${article.title!article.name}</a></h3>
<#if article.description??><p><@truncate value=article.description chars=100/></p></#if>
<!– pictures end –>
// Get the collection of articles indicated in the component properties
model.articles = collectionService.getCollection(context.properties.section.id, args.collection);
// If a link page is specified in the component properties then pass this to the view
if (args.linkPage != null)
model.linkParam = '?view='+args.linkPage;
//If a sub title is specified in the component properties then pass this to the view
if (args.subTitle != null)
model.subTitle = args.subTitle;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>news article style page with medium image</description>
09-13-2011 11:47 AM
model.articles = collectionService.getCollection(context.properties.section.id, args.collection);
<#if articles??>
and so the majority of the component won't render.
09-13-2011 01:23 PM
09-13-2011 01:32 PM
09-13-2011 01:53 PM
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