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Forum Posts

Second problems for hibernate and ibatis

dear all:I posted a problem with the topic "how to replace the itabis with hibernate ?" in the forum about twenty days ago,the url ishow to replace the itabis with hibernate ?I would like to thank everyone for your answer,but  i couldn't deal with my...

qiqimm by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti 'Cluster'

Hi Guys,Understand that as Activiti implements optimistic db locking, multiple app server instances can happily run alongside each other, behind a load balancer in a cluster fashion.  Can anyone confirm whether there is any QA to cover this kind of u...

rob_h by Champ in-the-making
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Assigning usertasks to both groups and assignees

Using standard bpmn 2.0 you can assign a task to both an assignee AND have potential owners (groups or users). Will this mapping be possible using the designer ?I realize the "activiti:" shortcuts in the declaration is meant for simple use-cases. Can...

kvj by Champ in-the-making
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BPMN file import from the web-based to eclipse-based

Firstly I have installed the eclipse 3.6.1 and the activiti plugin. If I build the process using eclipse-based modeler, no problem.When I use the activiti-explorer to build a process, then import into eclipse, if the prequisite is BPMN (activiti), th...

stree by Champ in-the-making
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Can't download some files!

Hi!I created a webservice, recently, and I got success uploading every file i tested, but when i tried to download some of them, i got an error.For example:a file named: "archive.rar", i can download, but a file name with special characters or space ...

Cannot submit comment

Hi,all    I set up my own Chinese language package, and it works fine. But when i view the detail of a document in repository and want to create a comment, there are some problem. Before I type a word in the textarea, the submit button is disabled, b...

tianyinlq by Champ in-the-making
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SSO CAS sur /alfresco en alfresco 2.4c

Bonjour,Je tente d'installer l'authentification CAS sur l'arborescence /alfresco du siteJ'ai déclaré une authentication.chain externe dans le fichier alfresco-global.propertiesJ'ai créé les fichiers :external-authentication-context.xmlexternal-filter...

sar by Champ in-the-making
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Date format in a FreeMarker Template

Hi, folks!I am trying to use the following code to format a date field to the Brazilian fomat ("DD/MM/YYYY"):${news.PublishedDate.string("yyyy-MM-dd")}But, when Alfresco render the web form content, I get this error:Error generating rendition using r...

rguedes by Champ in-the-making
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Send mail to all users of a pooled task

Hi all,I'm trying the right way for send an email notification to all users assigned to a pooled task.I've read inside the forum and the most used way is use a ForEachFork action, my code is this:<node name="Invia mail a marketing">      <action clas...

chicco0386 by Champ on-the-rise
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Katgorien in Regeln überführen

Guten Tag, Forum.Ich habe folgende Problematik:  in einem Ordner habe ich ca. 100 Unterordner angelegt.  Alle Unterordner wurden von mir kategorisiert, aber jeder Ordner individuell (zwischen 3 und 5 kategorien pro Unterordner).Jetzt stehe ich vor de...

hurganator by Champ in-the-making
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