08-31-2009 04:23 AM
<bean id="programDeleteTrash" class="org.alfresco.repo.action.scheduled.CronScheduledQueryBasedTemplateActionDefinition">
<property name="transactionMode">
<property name="compensatingActionMode">
<property name="searchService">
<ref bean="SearchService"/>
<property name="templateService">
<ref bean="TemplateService"/>
<property name="queryLanguage">
<property name="stores">
<!– Find all nodes that do not have the aspect –>
<property name="queryTemplate">
<property name="cronExpression">
<value>0 0 15 ? * SAT</value>
<property name="jobName">
<property name="jobGroup">
<property name="triggerName">
<property name="triggerGroup">
<!– Inject the scheduler - the trigger will be registered with this scheduler –>
<property name="scheduler">
<ref bean="schedulerFactory"/>
<property name="actionService">
<ref bean="ActionService"/>
<property name="templateActionModelFactory">
<ref bean="templateActionModelFactory"/>
<property name="templateActionDefinition">
<ref bean="deleteTrashActionScheduled"/>
<property name="transactionService">
<ref bean="TransactionService"/>
<property name="runAsUser">
08-31-2009 04:38 AM
<property name="queryTemplate">
08-31-2009 08:19 AM
# Properties to limit resources spent on individual searches
# The maximum time spent pruning results
# The maximum number of results to perform permission checks against
08-31-2009 08:29 AM
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