08-10-2007 12:39 PM
nodeService.getChildByName(root, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, "app:company_home");
08-16-2007 06:02 AM
08-16-2007 12:11 PM
fileFolderService.search(root, "Company Home", false);
fileFolderService.searchSimple(root, "Company Home");
List<String> nodePath = new ArrayList<String>();
nodePath.add("Company Home");
fileFolderService.resolveNamePath(root, nodePath);
08-17-2007 01:26 AM
QName qname = QName.createQName(NamespaceService.APP_MODEL_1_0_URI, "company_home");
List<ChildAssociationRef> assocRefs = nodeService.getChildAssocs(rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CHILDREN, qname);
From that point on, you're in the hierarchy with the model that the FileFolderService uses.08-17-2007 01:29 AM
08-17-2007 11:09 AM
08-20-2007 06:02 AM
06-18-2008 10:00 AM
06-18-2008 10:08 AM
06-18-2008 05:19 PM
User user = AuthenticationHelper.getUser(request, response);
NodeRef personRef = user.getPerson();
NodeRef homeRef = nodeService.getProperty(personRef, ContentModel.PROP_HOMEFOLDER);
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