01-07-2011 04:54 AM
Attribute 'operation' is not allowed to appear in element 'sendTask'. | com/workflow/process/EmailTest.bpmn20.xml | line 21 | column 90
One of the attributes 'type' or 'operation' is mandatory on sendTask.
01-07-2011 05:36 AM
01-09-2011 01:50 AM
I've created a Jira for it, because I suspect a bug: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/ACT-503
public void parseSendTask(Element sendTaskElement, ScopeImpl scope) {
ActivityImpl activity = parseAndCreateActivityOnScopeElement(sendTaskElement, scope);
// for e-mail
String type = sendTaskElement.attributeNS(BpmnParser.ACTIVITI_BPMN_EXTENSIONS_NS, "type");
// String type = "mail";
// for web service
String implementation = sendTaskElement.attribute("implementation");
String operationRef = this.resolveName(sendTaskElement.attribute("operationRef"));
// for e-mail
if (type != null) {
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("mail")) {
parseEmailServiceTask(activity, sendTaskElement, parseFieldDeclarations(sendTaskElement));
} else {
addError("Invalid usage of type attribute: '" + type + "'", sendTaskElement);
// for web service
} else if (implementation != null && operationRef != null && implementation.equalsIgnoreCase("##WebService")) {
if (!this.operations.containsKey(operationRef)) {
addError(operationRef + " does not exist" , sendTaskElement);
} else {
Operation operation = this.operations.get(operationRef);
WebServiceActivityBehavior webServiceActivityBehavior = new WebServiceActivityBehavior(operation);
Element ioSpecificationElement = sendTaskElement.element("ioSpecification");
if (ioSpecificationElement != null) {
IOSpecification ioSpecification = this.parseIOSpecification(ioSpecificationElement);
for (Element dataAssociationElement : sendTaskElement.elements("dataInputAssociation")) {
AbstractDataInputAssociation dataAssociation = this.parseDataInputAssociation(dataAssociationElement);
for (Element dataAssociationElement : sendTaskElement.elements("dataOutputAssociation")) {
AbstractDataOutputAssociation dataAssociation = this.parseDataOutputAssociation(dataAssociationElement);
} else {
addError("One of the attributes 'type' or 'operation' is mandatory on sendTask.", sendTaskElement);
parseExecutionListenersOnScope(sendTaskElement, activity);
for (BpmnParseListener parseListener: parseListeners) {
parseListener.parseSendTask(sendTaskElement, scope, activity);
01-10-2011 12:28 PM
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