I started using activiti explorer recently and have played around with the default users and groups. Now I want to create new users and groups but I have no idea how to do it. I know that there's a h2 database file where I could insert new users but I can't find this file anywhere, I can look at the database in activiti explorer but can't edit it. Same with the IdenitiyService Class (I don't know where I can locate it). I've also tried installing the activiti administrator tool onto my tomcat webapp folder but the WAR file didn't do anything. I downloaded it from https://github.com/activiti-accelerators/activiti-administrator and did everything as instructed. Did anyone have similar problems and what am I doing wrong?
activiti is working with H2 in memory database by default (only to show the possibilities.) If you want to you can configure different DB. activiti-explorer creates default users at start up.