04-25-2014 07:47 AM
04-28-2014 05:36 AM
04-28-2014 06:08 AM
// Check for an address/client name match
if ( curSess.getSessionId() != getSessionId()) {
// Check the IP address
if ( hasRemoteAddress() && curSess.hasRemoteAddress()) {
// Check if the IP addresses match
if ( getRemoteAddress().equals( curSess.getRemoteAddress())) {
addrMatch = true;
addrStr = getRemoteAddress().getHostAddress();
else if ( hasRemoteName() && curSess.hasRemoteName()) {
// Check if the remote NetBIOS names match
if ( getRemoteName().equals( curSess.getRemoteName())) {
addrMatch = true;
addrStr = getRemoteName();
// Check if the session matches the current session address/client name
if ( addrMatch == true) {
if ( Debug.EnableInfo && hasDebug(DBG_NEGOTIATE))
debugPrintln("Disconnect existing session from " + addrStr + ", sess=" + curSess);
// Disconnect the existing session
// Update the disconnected session count
04-28-2014 06:11 AM
04-28-2014 06:40 AM
11-26-2015 08:32 AM
02-05-2016 04:12 AM
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