I did not noticed this error in 5.8, but in 5.9:
When I launched my development environment against a production database backup in 5.8 (and my environment in 5.9), the database was upgraded to 5.9 because I have activated the databaseSchemaUpdate property, BUT it crashes with a NULL Pointer Exception at this point:
at org.activiti.engine.impl.cmd.DeployCmd.deploymentsDiffer(DeployCmd.java:72)
at org.activiti.engine.impl.cmd.DeployCmd.execute(DeployCmd.java:50)
at org.activiti.engine.impl.cmd.DeployCmd.execute(DeployCmd.java:30)
I have the deploymentResources for autodeploy new diagrams (amazing feature):
<property name="deploymentResources" value="classpath:diagrams/*.bpmn20.xml" />
So, the cause of the null pointer exception is that the DeployCmd at this point:
ResourceEntity savedResource = savedResources.get(resourceName);
if(!savedResource.isGenerated()) {
savedResource is null, reason is because the keys of the savedResources collection are different than the keys in the resources collection. The keys seems to be compounds by the paths + names of the bpmn files, and because paths are different in production and in my dev environment, it crashes.
When I was using the 5.8 with the backup of production 5.8 database, I do not remember this error.
So, I'm trying to figure out the reason, could anybody help me on that?
Thank you.