Hi Joe,
yes, meanwhile I found a solution to the problem. Problem is that whenever you setup a new Alfresco system, it will use different UUIDs for the system nodes, like people, authorities, workflows, etc.
Therefore there are two solutions to the problem:
1) when you setup two Alfresco servers that should do export/import between each other, you should install the first Alfresco server, then just copy this clean installation (webapp + database) to your second server. This way you will work with the same UUIDs.
2) In case you already have two servers running and cannot set them up again, as I did in my case, I run a string replacement on the exported xml files before importing them to the second server: I gather the relevant UUIDs from server1 and replace them in the xml export files with the UUIDs of server2. This way it works fine.
The relevant UUIDs you need to gather are those of:
* people, authorities, zones, workflow under workspace://SpacesStore
* guest and admin UUID from workspace/SpacesStore (under people)
* the admin user UUID from user://alfrescoUserStore
Furthermore, actually I ended up with simply export/importing everything under system, which means: -path /sys:system (instead of /sys:system/sys:authorities), to make sure I get everything I need.
This has worked for me.
(side note: if you want to do partly export/import, this command line exporter is ok, otherwise if you want to do a full replication of the entire server, I'd switch to rsync anyway.)