I just loaded v1.3 from scratch and can only transform a document into another filetype once per space. Subsequent attempts appear to complete but the requested document doesn't appear in the space. Version 1.2 does not exhibit this limitation.
For instance: 1. Upload test.doc to Company Home - success 2. Transform test.doc to test.pdf in Company Home - success 3. Transform test.doc to test.txt in Company Home - no errors but unsucessful. 4. Create new space called TestSpace - successful 5. Transform test.doc in Company Home to test.pdf in TestSpace - success 6. Transform test.doc in Company Home to test.txt in TestSpace - no errors but unsucessful.
According to Roy, who fixed the behaviour for 1.3, the second transform will overwrite the first transform. If versioning is on for the transformed file, it will version the file.
The old behaviour was to create duplicate transformed files, which broke the compatibility with CIFS and other file/folder based clients.