Vijidsin, what is/are your problems with the migration ? You can't expect help if you ask something as generic as that. AFAIK OpenFiler is a NAS solution, so I suppose you should in general terms follow this steps:
1- Install and configure Alfresco in a new/free server 2- Configure alfresco to interact with the authentication service you use for openfiler (AD, LDAP…) or just create the required users 3- Take content out of OpenFiler and load it to Alfresco: Several strategies are possible here, it depends on the data volume and the metadata you need to keep (probably not much because I suppose openfiler does not allow customized metadata). If you don't need special metadata to be loaded and if the volume is not huge (less than 30-40 thousands documents) I would probably choose to load it to Alfresco just using FTP and FileZilla. If you require specialized metadata or the volume is huge I'll use <a hef="">Bulk Filesystem Import</a> 4- Adjust permissions to folders accordingly to how they were set previously in OpenFiler