11-21-2016 04:16 PM
I created amp project for Alfresco to create a webscript, after deleting helloworld.get.js I added myws.post.js and related config and ftl files. But when I pass a content from controller using model.var, I couldn't access it in my view file using "${var}".
Any suggestions ???? I already modified webscript-context.xml file
<bean id="webscript.myws.post"
11-23-2016 01:58 AM
My webscript is javascript based. I sorted out the problem it occurred when I later modified the model.var value with:
var node= dir.childByNamePath(upload.properties.name);
model.var= node.nodeRef;
It should be model.var=node.id
Thanks for your involvement.
11-22-2016 08:14 PM
Is your webscript java based or javascript based? You have implement both javascript and java,could you upload all your webscript files here?
11-23-2016 01:58 AM
My webscript is javascript based. I sorted out the problem it occurred when I later modified the model.var value with:
var node= dir.childByNamePath(upload.properties.name);
model.var= node.nodeRef;
It should be model.var=node.id
Thanks for your involvement.
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