To get email notifications for every forum update in share we will use alfresco explore to set the rules.
I created rules and got email notifications correctly.
While creating rules, it will ask us to choose a template for email notification (notify_user_email.ftl)…
This ftl file will have some default notification message.. Suppose, if I need to change this notification message content, what should I do?
I found this ftl file in, C:\Alfresco\tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\templates\email\notify_user_email.ftl.
I had changed its content and having my new content in that file(also changed inside the war) and restarted my tomcat….
But even then, I am getting only the old notification message.. But not the new one… why it is so? Where should I need to have this new notification email message content(it must have dynamic values)???
Thanks in advance…