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Preventing Permanent Deletions from Repository

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi All

Just wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of how to prevent the users from permanently deleting items from the repository. I understand that when something is deleted it goes into the user's deleted items. The user can then go into Managing Deleted Items and remove everything which effectively deletes the files permanently. I would like to prevent the users from managing the deleted items and only allow administrators to completely delete items.

Thank you


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
You know, I've never looked for the trashcan in Share as a non-admin user, but now that you bring it up, I don't see it. I think in Share only the Administrator has access to the trashcan because it is on the admin console.

This is a difference between Share and Explorer.

What if you disallowed access to Explorer for non-admins? Kind of drastic, I know, but why are you using Explorer, anyway? Smiley Happy

Failing that, how about an Explorer customization to remove the trashcan link from Explorer?
