We're using the CMIS interface, from Drupal. We created workflows that process content from users. There's a number of questions we have. One concerns referencing custom types like what does "M2TypeDefinition.name - serialized as D|F|R|P/{prefix}_localName" mean? (from http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/CMIS_Model_Mapping#Meta_Model_Mapping) and is there any additional information on this D|F|R|P scheme? "D:" seems to be required as a namespace prefix to be able to reference custom types, and what do the other prefixes mean?
All document types (derived from cm:content) are prefixed with “D:”. Folder types (derived from cm:folder) are prefixed with “F:”. Relationships (associations) are prefixed with ”R:” and Policies (aspect types) are prefixed “P:”. The prefixes are followed by the prefix and name of your custom type.
I was surprised that we couldn't find this info in the documentation. But, thanks for the reply. If there's anything we can do to help update the documentation, please let me know.