in an attempt to familiarize myself with cycle, I’ve generated the attached jar which is a single class that should give a custom representation of a Signavio model (as can be seen from the source it has the CycleComponent annotation and it extends SignavioContentRepresentationProvider). I’ve put this class under WEB-INF/lib of the activity-rest webapp (activiti 5.4 demo install). Here is the behavior I’m seeing:
The CycleComponentFactory finds the plugin, as can be seen by this entry in the log file:
[size=85]14-apr-2011 10.18.42 org.activiti.cycle.CycleComponentFactory registerComponent
INFO: Registered component com.foo.TestRepresentation{context: APPLICATION, class: com.foo.TestRepresentation, types: [interface org.activiti.cycle.ContentRepresentation]}[/size]
However, I don’t see the Representation Tab for my plugin when I select the EasyBugFilingProcess artifact in the cycle application – I do see all of the other tabs, and in fact when I look at the JSON returned by the request to localhost:8080/activiti-cycle/proxy/activiti-rest-endpoint/artifact?connectorId=Activiti&nodeId……. , my plugin is missing from the list of available representations:
"contentRepresentations": [
"Developer Friendly BPMN 2.0"
"Raw BPMN 2.0"
I’ve tried the Camunda plugin for jPDL round tripping on the same demo install (putting the three jar files in the same WEB-INF/lib location) and that works fine (I get the tabs for jPDL and jPDL Warnings).
What have I missed in my plugin?