Hi everyone,
I am super new to Alfresco. I am comparing between Alfresco and Joomla, not sure which one can fit my scenario.
But I want consider to use Afresco for an actual project scenario. Just want to check whether Alfresco Community Edition is capable of doing this.
a)Intranet portal
2 business users in my system. 1 is business owner and 1 is sales agent. There will be 1 admin as well.
- When business owner logs into the screen, he will come into a personal dashboard. He can see his gmail emails, gmail calendar, apply leave application, check a summary of sales per day or per month, etc. (for this case, he will not need to enter the gmail username/password everytime he logins into the portal and it will be done behind the scene - seamless integration). Plus he can customise his view to see other things he want to see, like newsfeed from business news, etc.
- The sales agent is able to see a different dashboard like entering sales order module, enter purchase order module as well as accessing his own gmail emails and gmail calendar.
note: the sales agent email is different with business owner.
- How can an admin adds integration to gmail? just wonder how do i tied the Alfresco user with the gmail username thing. How do i sync things up? It is just like single sign on. One password rules them all. This applies to sync up access to other web modules like getting data from SugarCRM, OpenTaps or Adempiere, etc.
- But it seems like hardcoding the gmail calendar url for the user doesn't make sense. So if i have 100 users, i need to have 100 dashlets to 100 google calendar url (the one which i can grab from google calendar settings)???
b) Internet portal
2 users - 1 is the supplier and 1 is the vendor.
- When supplier enter the internet portal, he will enter some information and generate an invoice within alfresco itself (maybe a dashlet or something). Either he upload an invoice scanned document or enters the information via an invoice screen into the portal which it will be escalated to the intranet which the sales agent can see and then takes actions. It is like triggering a basic workflow system.
- This applies to vendor as well.
How can I do workflow like this where it involves both internet and intranet users participation?
Lastly, is there already an extensions to open source purchasing and sales orders modules to be used in alfresco? So i can customise further on this?
I am not sure whether Alfresco community edition can do this,so better I ask it first before delving deeper into it. I assume I can use Alfresco community edition for commercial project right?
Any help? Thanks.
Wen Ching