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Performance problems after a while that is not used

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I've got a strange behavior in terms of performance in a webscript that consists in a Lucene query with some condition (by path, by date, by aspect and sometimes by some imap aspect metadata).

The webscript is very slow when it is called after a while that is not used but is very very fast if it is called many times in a short range of time; it not seems to be related to the cache, because if i completely change the conditions (so the results will be a completely different) it remains extremely fast.

We are on a old 3.3 alfresco version and the webscript is written in javascript and it is executed always with the same user (that is not an admin).

I can't figure out which components could cause this behavior (eg: there is a loading phase of a webscript?)

Someone have an some ideas?

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
You mean most of the time is taken by FTL rendering process?

By the FTL rendering process or by another process before or after the execution of the controller.
But when the cache that is involved in this phase is warmed up, this process does not require so much time again.

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
You can add some logging information at the beginning and at the end of  your javascript controller to trace time consumption.


You also can estimate the time taken by ftl rending process using the log

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Finally i've adopted a stupid solution: i've scheduled a dummy call to the web script every three minutes. I would like to know what kind of cache is involved in this process…
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