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Passwords lost

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I have Alfresco 1.3 install on OSX using MySQL for the backend.

Well I had a massive brain failure and forgot the password for the two user I have installed.

I have tried changing the MD4 hash string in the SQL database however this has had little affect.  Does anyone have a md4 hash generator that could encrypt the word "admin"?

or perhaps know a way to blank out the password thus allowing me to reset them.

Many Thanks,

Shaun Williams

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
If you still have the admin password why not changing the PW in the admin console?

If you forgot the admin PW maybe it's easer to temporarily add guest in authority-services-context.xml to the "adminUsers" to access the admin console without login.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
This the second time that I had installed Alfresco and after a couple of moths no logins worked. This is a complete joke. Do you really think the mainstream is going to use this if there isn't a simple way to change the admin password if it is lost?

These instructions are worthless.

How to reset the admin password
If you do not know the admin password it can be reset several ways.

If you know the password of at least one user
Give a known user admin rights in config\alfresco\authority-services-context.xml
Login in as this user
Reset the admin password
Reset the config

If you do not know the admin password
Configure the authentication component to accept all logins using
Login as anyone who has admin rights
Reset the password
Revert the configuration

There are no instructions on how to actually edit the XML file. And secondly I don't even have a folder.

If you can't build a simple password recovery tool into you application it is uterley worthless. Nice product guys…nice product.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Backup and Restore Procedures 

cd /opt/alfresco-community
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