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Passing Credential to Share REST API

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
From my web app I would like to request the Share metadata edit form and grab the fields/controlTypes to pass over to my Web UI.  I realize there are CMIS/Alfresco apis to get the metadata, but we define aspects that reuse properties of existing content model attributes and only share (share-custom-config.xml) has the knowledge for the exact view/edit configurations.

So…I found that I can call the api if I am logged in, but no combination of ticket=, alf_ticket=, u= pw= …is allowing me to hit the url programmatically. Is there any way to do this?

I just want to pass it my app's credentials so the user doesn't have to manually login to ALfresco!
This is the specific URL I want to hit:



Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

You can use the API RESTful of Alfresco (webscripts of the repository layer).

Specifically, for the login, in your custom web application, you can use:

URL: http://IP:PORT/alfresco/service/api/loginMethod: POSTRequest Body: {username:"your-user",password:"your-password"}Response: The ticket of your login (i.e.: TICKET_0524c0877175d3da841b0c6c48822e2ae3516824).‍‍‍‍‍‍

And for the logout:

URL: http://IP:PORT/alfresco/service/api/login/ticket/TICKET?alf_ticket=TICKETMethod: DELETERequest Body: nothingResponse: an XML response with code 200‍‍‍‍‍‍

If you need get the metadata of a specific content (I suspect you know the node reference), you can use:

URL: http://IP:PORT/alfresco/service/api/node/content/workspace/SpacesStore/NODEREF?alf_ticket=TICKETMethod: GETRequest Body: nothingResponse: An XML with the data of the content‍‍‍‍‍‍

For edit the metadata, you can use:

URL: http://IP:PORT/alfresco/service/api/metadata/node/workspace/SpaceStore/NODEREF?alf_ticket=TICKETMethod: POSTRequest Body (i.e): {properties:{cm:title:"your title",cm:description:"your description"}}Response: 200‍‍‍‍‍‍

But, I read which the experts recommend the use of CMIS for edit properties, aspects and the content in general. More information in:

I hope this help.

Pablo V.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Pablo, Thanks for the nice reply, but I need to use the Share api and NOT the repo api. Your answer is definitely true for repo, but it seems that the Share api requires a different type of authentication.  When called from a browser I can make it work passing over the CRSFilter token and some other attributes, but hoping there's a simpler way to accomplish this from a Java application.  I don't need the ftl page to actually DRAW, I just want to get the html back and parse out what I need.

Thanks again for trying to help!