Hi, I have a webscript that add categories to the classification tree:
———– addCategoryPathtoPath.js ———
function addCategoryPath2Path(newpath,pth)
var nodes_x_level = decodeURI(pth).split(".");
var node = null;
var rootTgt = null, nodeIndex = null;
var rootNodes = classification.getRootCategories("cm:generalclassifiable");
var found = false; var styleFound="";
for(node in nodes_x_level)
{ found = false;
for(nodeIndex in rootNodes)
rootTgt = null;
if (rootNodes[nodeIndex].properties.name==nodes_x_level[node])
{ rootTgt = rootNodes[nodeIndex];
out+="matching…"+rootTgt.properties.name+" == "+nodes_x_level[node]+"<br>";
break; }
if (rootTgt!=null)
{ rootNodes = rootTgt.immediateSubCategories;
} else { out+="No matching for node:"+nodes_x_level[node]+" (abort) <br> <br>"; break; }
if (found==true)
var idx = 0;
var tmpCatNode = null;
var addedcategories = decodeURI(newpath).split(".");
for (idx in addedcategories)
{ tmpCatNode = rootTgt.createSubCategory(addedcategories[idx]);
rootTgt =tmpCatNode;
styleFound ="<font color=green>Sub-Categories Path : <br> <em>"+newpath+"</em> was created! </font>";
{ styleFound="<font color=red>Creation Failed!</font>"; }
return (out+styleFound);
function doIt(){
var name = args["subpath"]; var path = args["path"];
res = addCategoryPath2Path(name,path);
return res;
—— addCategoryPathtoPath.get.html.ftl ————
I have this error; Can you help me? How can I pass result(res) from javascript to ftl response file?
500 Description: An error inside the HTTP server which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Message: Error during processing of the template 'Expression res is undefined on line 6, column 19 in org/alfresco/office/addCategoryPathtoPath.get.html.ftl.'. Please contact your system administrator.
Exception: freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException - Expression res is undefined on line 6, column 19 in org/alfresco/office/addCategoryPathtoPath.get.html.ftl.