05-11-2012 09:57 AM
Activity start: vyhodnoceniTemplate (execId=102533; procId=102533; type=serviceTask)
Problem is that with above scenario the parallelGateway1 executes three executions:Activity start: parallelgateway1 (execId=102533; procId=102533; type=parallelGateway)
Activity end: parallelgateway1 (execId=102554)
..execution of other tasks..
Activity end: parallelgateway1 (execId=102555)
..execution of other tasks..
Activity end: parallelgateway1 (execId=102556)
Activity start: exclusivegateway27 (execId=102556; procId=102533; type=exclusiveGateway)
Strange thing is that the third execution jumps immediately to exclusivegateway27 which the one after callActivity1. 05-11-2012 10:54 AM
05-13-2012 04:57 PM
05-17-2012 10:04 AM
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