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Panagon (FileNET) to Alfresco 3... how to

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

At my company we have Panagon Filenet Desktop/Web 4.0.0 hotfix 8 and we are at a switch point to migrate to Filenet P8.

But in the back of my mind there is a voice that says try Alfresco! Is it a good idea?

Ok I want to give is a try but what needs to be done in order to Migrate the Panagin with its meta data and users to Alfresco??
Any information, links to documents etc would be welcome…



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Bastiaan,

I have the same config but did not move to P8 and are trying to move to Alfresco.
I hired a company to do the move but there is a very bad communication with the company

Have a look at or for migration. Alfreco does not have an equivalent to the Panagon bulk load utility and it is my major concern ! ! !



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thank you for the links. I have indeed also been looking to them earlier.

So if alfresco does not have a bulk import (which we barely use anyway) how are you going to bulk add your documents into Alfresco? OpenMigrate seams to be a good candidate to do the job.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Talend Open Studio is an open source ETL tool made for data migration experts.

It's also easy to learn for a non-technical user. The tMap component is designed for business users. It allows the user to get a graphical and functional view of integration processes.

For more information:

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
What I have learned so far: (I keep this thread as my log book  :wink: )

Rough Steps to take to get the documents out of the system:

    The users, groups, metadata and the security needs to be exported in an intermediate table.
    export the directory structure

    Recreate the users + groups + security into the new system (perhaps alter it and map them according to your wishes)
    rename the files in the paganon(FileNET) shelf directory back to their original file name + prefix its version number
Start importing the files back into alfresco.